Game Summary - Wednesday, August 8th, 2018

The gang (Maridine, Rosco, Thadeus, and The Wiz) woke up refreshed and unmolested by zombies and the Evil Mage Cosco.

On their way back to Phandaline* The Wiz wistfully turned her Charisma 26 head towards the heavens and asked, "Kumar, what's the weather going to be like today?" To which she got the sense of a distantly messaged "lol".

Ah, if only that had been the only notable event.

Alas, the party was besieged by seven goblins, half of which seemed to have a death wish for The Wiz herself. Hmm. (Wonder if they had a thing about weather prognostication.)

While one hid in the woods and occasionally shot arrows (coward), the remaining goblins cleaved mightily into the party, mostly mightily into The Wiz, who was knocked down to 0 HP. Meanwhile, Rosco and Maridine made good work at them with short sword and crossbow, respectively.  Thadeus turned into a bear (because he can, because he's a Druid of the Circle of the Moon of the Earth of our Solar System, by the grace of NASA, oh most celestial embodiment of His Highest Holiness, Carl Sagan) and munched on the remaining goblins, inadvertently killing one with the rib-bone of another. After the arrow-shooting goblin fled, Thadeus tried to pursue him, but lost his scent in a swollen creek. Bummer.

Finally back in Phandaline, the crew picked up Alpha Septum who'd been luxuriating with the Brothel's finest goat. Thadeus tried to turn into a goat himself, but realized he'd shot his transmogrification wad with the bear thing. Probably for best, since it looked like things were going to end in an awkward after-school special about men and goats, and goat-men.

Still, they all slept, woke refreshed at 8:15 am, head set out for Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, ThunderTREE!

They marched through the night (fortunately without event because, OMG otherwise four-day march) and got to Neverwinter, Riverdale, whatever. The largest city in the realm, that place.  Some Divine Celestial Being (*cough* The DM *cough*) decided to encourage to waste some time shopping, which devolved into random rolls of way-over-priced magical goodies of mediocre usefulness.  I mean, it's like having a layover in LA and then realizing it'll take you an hour to get anyway, and then you don't really do anything, but hey: you left the airport. Life goals.

Onwards they marched to Thundercats which turned out to be once a likely adorable town of stonework and thatch cottages, now delapidated and overgrown ruins, thanks to a volcanic event some three years previously.

The Wiz and Alpha Septum decided to check out the first cottage (known as Cottage 1 to the in crowd), and Alpha Septum handily kicked in the door.  Finding nothing but shrubs and bushes, it seemed a waste of a good kick, until they were attacked by two blood thirsty and vicious Twig Blights.

Yup. Twig Blights. Your favorite.

Actual twigs with actual blight. From The Journal of
the Ministry of Agriculture
(1921). Wikimedia.
The Wiz finally got to try out her Mouth Twitch Attack and missed the first shot, but then utterly obliterated the twig with the second that also involved a fire bolt.  Nice. Alpha Septum, a strange sense of vengence overwhelming him, managed to crack the other Twig Blight in two against his forhead.  Sweet.

At this point, however, the day light had pretty much failed the party, and they decided to camp out for the night.

At the start of the next game, we'll figure out the order of the watch and see if we can get y'all through the night. And then on to find where the Druid Reidoth is lurking, to see if he can hook us up with the location of Wave Echo Cave.

Once again, Thadeus earned MVP with 20xp, with Alpha Septum coming in a close second.

* I know, I've been saying this wrong since the get-go. Because it rhymes with pandoline, which is the well-known hybrid of a panda and a pangolin.


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