Game Summary - Tuesday, July 31st, 2018

Status at Start of Game:

Zbych - At Aunt Alderleaf’s, eating pie
Hydrian - Sleeping at Stonehill Inn. And stuff.
Kumar - Sleeping at the brothel with their finest goat.
Alpha Septum - Also sleeping at the brothel, with their second finest goat. (Ethel is a humble goat.)

The Wiz was also sleeping at Stonehill Inn, but Aunt Alderleaf kindly brought her to the others on the trail.

Maridine, Rosco, and Thadeus were at the Old Owl Well, having made a deal with the Evil Mage Cosco to get the name of the builder of that tower.

Sindel from Mortal Kombat by GabboT

Game Summary:

We determined the Wiz's special attack.

Mouth Twitch Attack - +1 to attack, 1d8+1 - two per day -  second attack of the day additional +1d4 fire damage - shooting bolt of fire, out of side of mouth. One attack per round, but after two attacks, must sleep 8 hours to recover this special ability.

Y'all also get a special attack, somehow... based on something in reality. Once you pick the name of your special attack, and describe to me what it's based on, I'll let ya know what it does. :)

Thadeus, Maridine, Rosco and the Wiz went to see Agatha the Banshee.  Miraculously, they got the required information through old fashioned conversation and negotiation.  They got the name to the Evil Mage, who was duly grateful, gave them lots of loot. Long and short: a whole game with no fighting, but lots of XP. Win! I guess, depending on what you like. Mind you, Thadeus lost his eyebrow hairs, and he really wanted to kill her, but, hey: Wiz's charisma (now 26).

The Wiz, Thadeus, Maridine, and Rosco decided to sleep off their hard work at Owl Tree Well under the guard of Zombies and Cosco until  about 8am.

From there, the plan is to head to Thundertree  (about a 4 days march - thanks Aunt Alderleaf for the heads-up). At Thundertree, they will try to find the Druid Reidoth who may well know the lost/secret location of Wave Echo Cave, the ultimate goal of this whole quest. (Didjaknowthat?) They'll pick up Alpha Septum on the way, and leave notes for the others.


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